147. Every complaint shall be submitted to conciliation, except the complaint referred to in section 147.1. However, a complainant may object to conciliation by stating the reasons why he believes conciliation is inappropriate in his case. He shall give a written statement of the reasons to the Commissioner within 30 days after the lodging of the complaint.
The Commissioner may reject the complaint, giving reasons, if in his opinion, the reasons stated by the complainant do not validly justify his refusal of conciliation. The Commissioner shall inform the complainant of his right to obtain a review of the decision if he submits new facts or elements to the Commissioner within 15 days. The Commissioner shall render his decision within 10 days and the decision is final.
The complainant may at any time before the final decision accept conciliation by withdrawing his objection.
2000, c. 12, s. 147; 2023, c. 202023, c. 20, s. 301.